Attune Yourself to the Change of Season
Saturday Sept 23 - 5pm Pacific
How do you feel at the arrival of fall? Is the change in season affecting your mood, stamina and motivation? In Autumn, the days are becoming shorter, and the joy of summer activities give way to a new phase, which is more internal and more receptive. The Autumn Equinox is characterized by subtle changes in the natural world, that affect your inner world, such as less light so less daytime activity, and colder temperatures in the Northern hemisphere that lead you inside, away from nature.
To prevent any undesirable effect from the change in season, such as feeling depressed, tired, or confused, all you need is a conscious participation to your internal transformation. You can rebalance your own energy system by practicing this meditation inspired by yoga nidra. Yoga nidra is an ancient yogic technique, a form of yogic sleep in which the body is completely relaxed while maintaining a high level of alertness. As your body falls asleep, your mind becomes clearer and sharper allowing you to journey through your emotions and insights.
On Saturday September 23rd at 5 pm PT you will enter a sacred space and safely connect to your own light. You will learn to perceive the special qualities that define this beautiful time of the year and receive three amazing spiritual gifts from the equinox: the gift of the harvest, and the gift of making space for the new coming cycle, and the gift of balance.
Solstices and equinoxes, the four doors of the sun, are the most important times of the year for nature, for everyone, and for you. The Autumn equinox is the third door of the sun, which marks a shift of energy requiring you to do a certain internal work. This is the time to become attuned to your body and your emotions and listen to what you really need at this time of the year.
Balance your Chakras for the Change of Season
Sunday Sept 24 - 5pm Pacific
The seven chakras are the main energy centers of your body. Located along your spine, your chakras start at your sacrum and run upwards to the crown of your head. Your chakras exist in your astral body, the energy body residing inside and around your physical body. Each chakra relates to specific spiritual, emotional, psychological, and physical aspects of your being. Any blockage or malfunction of your energy system can lead to physical, psychological, and emotional disorders.
At the change of season, we often develop imbalances such as feeling tired, irritable, or depressed because we don’t take the time to check in with ourselves and how we are adjusting (or not adjusting) to change. Fortunately, you can rebalance your own chakras.
Fortunately, you can rebalance your own chakras by practicing this meditation inspired by yoga nidra. Yoga nidra is an ancient yogic technique, a form of yogic sleep in which the body is completely relaxed while maintaining a high level of alertness. As your body falls asleep, your mind becomes clearer and sharper allowing you to journey through your energy centers.
On September 24th at 5 pm Pacific you will relax your body, clear your mind, and experience a remarkable self-healing adjusted exactly to your needs of the moment. In this safe space, you will let go of an old pattern at each chakra that you will replace with a new, more appropriate, intention that can support you in present time.
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