This mandala represents a galaxy, an energy center, or an atom. The design implies a spiral motion that expresses an activation of energy, meaning the mandala gives you the energy to open a chakra or to manifest something you want in your life.
The Great Architect of the Universe created similar shapes at macrocosmic, as well as microcosmic, levels. I was studying galaxies at the time I created this mandala and tried to recreate the power of spirals in space.
This is one of the mandalas that I loved having in my office when I received people for healing sessions. This mandala supported me as I assisted people on their journeys to recovery.
Made of mirrors, acrylic paint, and half a pound of glitter, this mandala surprises me with its infinite variation of shades and colors, depending on the light or angle.
I hope you will use this mandala to travel in both the smallest infinite spaces and the largest infinite spaces, in order to discover the mystery of creation.
– Suteja
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