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Health and Wellness Pioneers Suteja and Paula Grace

What makes a pioneer? We didn’t start out to be pioneers. We just wanted to share Suteja’s knowledge and experience of healing with others. But the deeper we delved into her ideas and what she wanted to do with them, the more we realized that she is indeed a pioneer. She is the first person

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John Stuart Reid

The Science Behind Sound Healing: Pioneer John Stuart Reid

Is it really possible to heal pain and suffering with sound? The ancients used sound for healing, and in The Science Behind Sound Healing pioneer John Stuart Reid, a contemporary researcher in the field of sound, explores the science behind sound healing. Who is John Stuart Reid? John Stuart Reid is an acoustic physics researcher

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John F. Barnes, Myofascial Release Approach

Myofascial Release Pioneer John F. Barnes

Who is John F. Barnes? John F. Barnes changed my life, and when I think of pioneers, I see his tan, creased face, sporting a white mustache and beard, surrounded by a lion’s mane of silver hair. He is one of the best teachers I ever learned from, and I use what he taught me

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