How the Coming Week Helps You Answer the Question “What to do with my life?”

The coming week sees the remarkable occurrence of two celestial events: the full moon, which marks the highest point of the monthly moon cycle on Dec 18, and the Winter Solstice on Dec 21, which marks the lowest point of the yearly solar cycle. Read on to see how the coming week helps you answer the question “What to with my life?”

How can you understand and benefit from the significance of the coming week and these two opposite directions? If you are a particularly sensitive person, you may feel this strongly. Read on to see what you can you expect, how you can respond, and what groundwork you can lay now to answer the question of what to do with your life in 2022 and beyond.

What does the Dec 18 Full Moon mean to you?

A full moon is a magnifying glass on our magnetic field, our emotions and everything that relates to energy. It is a culmination of light that brings things to completion and full blossoming. While a full moon occurs in every moon cycle, each one is different because the cosmology of the sky continues to change, and most importantly, YOU continue to change!

What does the Dec 22 Winter Solstice mean to you?

Three days after the full moon is the Winter Solstice, a seed of light that will develop and grow over the next 12 months. This week is the expression of an enhanced Winter Solstice, a major rebirth of the light within. The universe gives us the opportunity to receive a huge amount of light at the beginning of the year, that will unfold into a chance to express the best of ourselves in 2022.

Ask yourself these 3 questions & write your answers!

Practically, this means that next week is a very auspicious time to pause and gather your thoughts.

  1. Look back and ask where were you last year at this time?
  2. Look ahead and ask what do you want to see unfold in your life next year?
  3. Finally, look at now and ask what are you going to include in, or remove from, your life going forward that will help propel you towards the future you desire?

Consider writing down your answers to these questions. Deep thoughts like these tend to disappear if they’re not recorded, and there are many benefits in writing down your hopes, lessons, and dreams. Even if it’s only one or two minutes a day, you’ll create a record of yourself that you can re-read to uncover patterns in your behavior and emotions, patterns that you can work towards resolving if negative and enhancing if positive. You can learn more about the benefits of journaling in the Authority Magazine interview Suteja: How Journaling Helped Me Be More Calm, Mindful and Resilient and in the accompanying short video.

It’s not easy because the holiday season does its best to distract us. But please remember that you’re worth it. You have a voice and it needs to be heard, by you. If ever there was a time to stop and write, it’s the coming week!

How did ancient civilizations celebrate the Winter Solstice?

Ancient civilizations did their most important rituals at the Winter Solstice, for survival and abundance for all. Your best end-of-the-year resolutions can bear fruit next year. Prayers and meditations done at the Winter Solstice tend to manifest themselves in powerful ways.

The Winter Solstice is a beautiful opportunity for rebirth that the ancients often celebrated by lighting candles marking the return of the sun. Inspired by ancient practices, the Full Moon Celebration on Dec 18 invites you to join in to clear any heavy memories and feelings from last year, and to build the light that will dissipate any shadows for your projects in 2022.

The end of the year naturally brings us back to the beginning. With a spiral of 13 candles (the number 13 representing the sun in the Toltec tradition) you will reflect on your experience of 2021 and dissolve any negativity and heavy energies that may have accumulated during the past year. You will also have time to look at your progress, what you learned about yourself, the inner qualities you developed, as well as what you managed to manifest in a good way.

In the second part of the ritual, the spiral of candles will build as you expand your light and your ability to manifest what you want next year, giving you instantly the joy of life that you need to enter this new solar cycle. 

Why is this the best time for reflection?

This is a great time for reflection because year-end is a time to review the transformational crises and insights that marked 2021 for you. How much did you grow and change over the past 12 months? Can you step far enough back to gain some perspective on the year? Can see the big picture and the cosmic intelligence at play in what unfolded for you this year?

Going deeper into the symbolism of this time of the year may help us understand why people feel anxious and agitated two weeks prior and two weeks after Solstices and equinoxes as if under the influence of a super moon.

Certain traditions talk about equinoxes and solstices as the four doors of the sun, four mystical gates that one can enter only after a period of purification. Each door marks the entry into a new season, a new phase of the year with specific gifts and new challenges. During these times, you may feel that the universe is testing you with one of these life lessons that creates internal pressure to extract the best from you!

Remember: your life lessons are perfect!

This life lesson is always perfect for who you are and where you are at, and presents itself as a challenge that forces you to develop a certain quality or overcome some weakness. At the soul level, there is a sense of pass/fail, a great trick of the universe to nudge our evolution in the right direction, stimulating our growth when we would naturally tend to be satisfied with the level we achieved. You can read more about anxiety and the Winter Solstice in the blog post Why Is the Winter Solstice So Important?

Remember that this Winter Solstice asks for our full presence and awareness of what we want to create for the future. You can be the light you seek in 2022. The Inner Treasure Hunt team wishes you happy holidays and a wonderful new year. May all your wishes be granted! We look forward to sharing ancient wisdom and spiritual practices that nourish your inner journey in the new year.


Learn more about journaling at the interview Suteja: How Journaling Helped Me Be More Calm, Mindful and Resilient, in the accompanying short video, and in Collective Anxiety vs Compassion – How to Live With Both.

Learn more about handling anxiety at the Winter Solstice at Why Is the Winter Solstice So Important?

Learn more about the Winter Solstice at Wikipedia.

Learn about the Winter Solstice’s counterpart, the Summer Solstice, at Summer Solstice: Culmination of Light of the Year.

Learn more about the moon’s influence on emotions and behavior by taking the 28-day Moon Meditation Essential Program.

Learn more about the forces of nature, healing, and the subconscious at Inner Treasure Hunt. If you liked this post, you can subscribe to the Inner Treasure Hunt newsletter to stay informed about new posts, programs, and events.

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