Death and Rebirth
Upon awakening on the morning of September 24th, 2023, on the second day of the two meditations of Heal Yourself with the Autumn Equinox, I noticed a drop of red liquid under the stool where my computer is during the meditations. My first thought was, “Is that blood?” Nobody in the house was injured and

Summer Solstice: Culmination of Light of the Year
Summer Solstice: Culmination of Light of the Year explores the manifestation time of year when everything in the natural world comes to fruition. What have you manifested? What are you missing? What is the Summer Solstice? Summer is a time of expansion, relaxation, and playfulness. With the warmth of the sun, everything in the natural

Meditation Script for Sound Healing With Your Voice
The meditation script for sound healing with your voice is a comprehensive introduction to how sound can be used to address and heal physical, emotional, and spiritual issues. From the ancients to modern medicine, sound continues to play a crucial role in health. Sound healing through the ages If you’ve ever suffered the agony of

Healing With the Moon – Powers of the Moon Series – Part 5 of 5
How does healing with the moon work? What steps can you take to align yourself with the moon’s phases to help yourself stay calm and rejuvenated, rather than feeling like life’s a roller-coaster? This is the last entry in the 5-part Powers of the Moon series.Part 1 – Ancient Beliefs About the MoonPart 2 –

Subtle Energy Fields – Powers of the Moon Series – Part 4 of 5
What are subtle energy fields? Subtle energy, what is now called magnetic fields, was known by the ancients who recognized how the moon’s cycle affected life on earth. When you take steps to align yourself with the moon, you help yourself stay calm and rejuvenated. When you don’t, life can feel like a roller-coaster. This

How Does the Moon Affect the Earth? – Powers of the Moon Series – Part 3 of 5
How does the moon affect the earth? The latest scientific research shows how the moon affects you whether you know it or not. When you take steps to align yourself with the moon, you help yourself stay calm and rejuvenated. When you don’t, life can feel like a roller-coaster. This is part 3 of a

Discoveries About the Moon – Powers of the Moon Series – Part 2 of 5
What are the recent discoveries about the moon? What science has proven shows how the moon affects you whether you know it or not. When you take steps to align yourself with the moon, you help yourself stay calm and rejuvenated. When you don’t, life can feel like a roller-coaster. This is part 2 of

Ancient Beliefs About the Moon – Powers of the Moon Series – Part 1 of 5
What were ancient beliefs about the moon? What possible difference could the moon make to your life? Other than the tides, the moon doesn’t have much effect on earth, does it? In fact, the moon wields a tremendous effect on every living thing on earth, including you, whether you’re aware of it or not. From

How the Coming Week Helps You Answer the Question “What to do with my life?”
The coming week sees the remarkable occurrence of two celestial events: the full moon, which marks the highest point of the monthly moon cycle on Dec 18, and the Winter Solstice on Dec 21, which marks the lowest point of the yearly solar cycle. Read on to see how the coming week helps you answer

What is Mycelium and Why Should You Care?
If you walk around a forest and study the ground, sooner or later you’re bound to come across some mushrooms, usually growing in a dark, dense area. Mushrooms are one of the main ways that nature recycles everything, regenerating life from death! Yes they’re delicious, at least the non-toxic ones, but their most important function

What is the Meaning of the Winter Solstice & Why is it Important?
The holidays are approaching, bringing with them a wind of lightness and celebration, much appreciated after the heaviness of the past few months. Western society has trained us to celebrate the end of the year by offering gifts, but there is deeper meaning behind these gestures. So we have to ask, What is the meaning